全漢公司綠色能源解決方案幫助各位省電,全部能量儲存系統系列都可以安裝太陽能電板,其中ION Mate平均6片太陽能電板充10個小時足夠供應一個小家庭的每日電量(不含冷氣機)。比較新奇的是全漢3000 / 1000 系列移動電源拉桿箱,是全球極少數不使用風扇散熱,輸出功率達 1500W 之儲能系統。全漢 EMERGY 系列符合綠色能源環保要求,提供露營、急難救助、戶外維修、戶外活動等極佳之電力使用便利性。
[English Introdution]This year at Computex, power supply manufacturer FSP unveiled new green energy storage products, all of which are compatible with solar panels.
Among the highlights are FSPs ION MATE energy storage systems in 5.2 kWh, 7.9 kWh, and 10.5 kWh sizes; the largest of which ought to be capable of running a small family home (even with air conditioners.) The FSP EMERGY 3000/1000 series of portable storage systems, which are the world's first to be fanless, for a maximum output of 1500W. These portable systems comply with all environmental standards and provide a useful source of power in camping, emergency, or outdoor maintenance situations.